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The Í App

Special pension for stay in an institution


When pension payments have been cancelled due to detention or custody, you can apply for a cash transfer.

This is how you apply

  1. Click here to apply

  2. Sign in with an electronic ID

  3. Select Applications

  4. Admit to category Other applications

  5. Select the application Prison allowance

  6. Fill out the application and attach any supporting documents if you have them.

  7. Click on Send an application

Please note that you must register the date of application.

Reversible applications

Disposal funds are paid from the first day of the following month after the conditions are fulfilled.

Processing time for applications due to stay in an institution


Once you have reached your conclusion, you will receive an e-mail and notification on My pages under My documents.

If you disagree with the decision, you can:

Payment arrangements

Disposal funds are prepaid on the first day of each month.

If payments are accepted retroactively, the credit is paid out as soon as possible on the bank account registered on My pages.