When pension payments have been cancelled due to staying in an institution, you can apply for daily allowance for each day spent outside the institution without discharge. The staff of the relevant institution handles the application.
General information
The amount is 4.858 ISK per day.
The amount is income-related and the calculation is based on the current income plan at TR.
You are only entitled to day-care benefits outside the institution if you receive
Day allowance is paid for a maximum of 8 days per month.
This affects the amount
Day allowances are income-related and the following income has an effect on their amount:
pension fund income,
your financial income and that of your spouse.
Income that does not affect the amount is, for example:
audit of supplementary pension savings,
payments from a social institution,
payments from local authorities.
Every spring TR does a settlement and recalculation of payments from TR the previous year's allowance based on a confirmed tax return, as are other pension payments. It is therefore important that your income plan is correct.
The staff of the institution in which the person is placed to apply.
Processing time for applications due to stay in an institution
Nursing homes - frequently asked questions
Service provider
Social Insurance Administration