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For Grindavík

Information for the residents of Grindavík


Þórkatla has signed 471 purchase contracts for residential properties in Grindavík

15th May 2024

Fasteignafélagið Þórkatla has reviewed and approved the purchase of 660 properties in Grindavík, or about 85% of all applications that have been received.

Grindavi k Vilhelm 031

Fasteignafélagið Þórkatla has reviewed and approved the purchase of 660 properties in Grindavík, or about 85% of all applications that have been received. In total, the company has received 781 applications for the purchase of residential property in the town, but the total number of properties that can be covered by the resort is around 900.

471 purchase agreements have been signed and registered. The company has paid ISK 22.2 billion in purchase agreement payments and taken over loans from 16 credit institutions worth around ISK 11.4 billion.

Þórkatla has decided to rent real estate that the company has bought in Grindavík, but for the time being the real estate will only be rented to its previous owners. The company will target rental prices for residential properties in Grindavík to the market rent, taking into account the conditions in Grindavík at any given time. It has been decided that the rent for the rest of this year will amount to 25% of the market rent in Suðurnes. The rent will take into account the property's fire damage assessment and will be around ISK 625. per square meter this year. For example, it will be possible to rent a 100 square meter house in Grindavík for ISK 62,500. in a month. In addition, the tenant pays heat and electricity.

The company will introduce more detailed arrangements for renting the properties in the near future. As time goes on, it will be considered to rent out to others the properties in Grindavík for which the sellers have not requested priority rights.

More information about the activities of Fasteignafélag Þórkátlu ehf. can be found on the company's website