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For Grindavík

Information for the residents of Grindavík


Do you own real estate for the people of Grindavík?

1st December 2023

FSRE the Government Construction Contracting and Property Agency requests temporary rental of real estate for the residents of Grindavík. A signup form can be found in the information website for Grindavík on Í

Skjámynd 2023-12-04 084736

To further support the relocation of the people of Grindvík who have had to evacuate their homes, the Government Construction Contracting and Property Agency, having consulted with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, the Prime Minister, and the Ministry of Infrastructure, advertises for the rental of real estate for the residents of Grindavík. This action is intended to increase the supply of assets for the people of Grindavík. It is part of the state's housing support for the people of Grindvík, which also consists of wage support, a rent grant (in the process of the parliament), and previously announced property. Information on the properties will be collected on Í followed up by the service center of Grindavík.

It is the intention that these coordinated measures help to resolve the housing needs of Grindvík as quickly and efficiently as possible. The FSRE advertisement states that the assets must be vacant, ready for use as soon as possible, and for rental at least three months.

The properties requested are apartments and houses in the Suðurnes region, the capital area, and neighboring municipalities. The properties will be advertised for rental on a plaza only for people domiciled in Grindavík. Contracts on the rental of premises will be concluded between residents and owners, without the involvement of public entities.

Register real estate for rental for residents of Grindavík.

Register real estate for rental for residents of Grindavík

Information online for the people of Grindavík