New shipping register and legal registration of seafarers
16th May 2023
The Icelandic Transportation Authority has implemented a computer system for the shipping register and legal registration of seafarers that have been named SKÚTAN.
The Icelandic Transportation Authority has implemented a computer system for the shipping register and legal registration of seafarers that has been named SUTTAN. It replaces five computer systems based in 2002. The skimmer is more modern and user-friendly in all respects. It will be easier to update to user needs and legal requirements. At the same time, it is possible in the future for seafarers to access information about themselves through, e.g. about their education and training, their certificates of competency and validity, the time and safety education they have completed and when it needs to be renewed.
User management
The vessel is user-controlled and the register is accessible to ship inspection and control bodies for registration, and to public bodies and companies that have to have access to it for their purposes. Furthermore, it is open to all to apply for read-only access to the register of ships in return for payment of a fee in accordance with the tariff of the Icelandic Transport Agency. The registration of seafarers is only accessible to an educational institution for the purpose of entering studies and courses completed by seafarers and those who have access to a register on a vessel, as the operator decides in each instance following an application to the Icelandic Transportation Office (now around 3200 individuals). However, only parties with a legitimate interest can apply for read-only access to the registration of seafarers from a data protection point of view, in particular public regulators and seafarers'' trade unions.
Register of vessels
The register of ships contains the particulars of the ships on the register, all the technical information concerning the ships and their equipment, surveys and inspections of ships and ship''s equipment, issuing of certificates of ship and navigation and their period of validity.
With Skútan changes are made to the overall inspection system. Ships shall be assigned a birthday date and inspections may take place up to three months before and three months after that date. This arrangement has long been in existence in the international maritime environment, but the ship registry computer system had been unable to cope. All ships are also subject to a 5-year inspection cycle, with renewal inspections taking place every 5 years instead of four. These arrangements are in accordance with the main international maritime agreements and the states with which Iceland compares itself. All inspections are logged on to Skútuna and it will be possible to issue certificates and inspection reports entirely electronically in due course.
It is also novel that the certificate of seaworthiness is issued for a period of more than one year at a time, despite the fact that findings are made during the inspection of the ship and that the certificate is automatically invalidated if no review is carried out. This amendment simplifies administration and reduces the activity of issuing certificates of water-worthiness in cases where minor items requiring revision are under examination. The system increases the flexibility of the operators and predictability as inspections take place at the same time each year. Since all ships are subject to a 5-year inspection cycle, the system simplifies the administration and supervision of operators and regulators. The annual inspections can also save time and effort on the ships.
Legal registration of seafarers
The registration of seafarers is a record of information relating to the issue of certificates of competency of seafarers, such as training, seagoing service and safety education. In addition, it includes information on certificates of competency issued, for individual ships notary, minimum manning and non-manning requirements, exemptions, crew insurance, passenger licences on scheduled services and passenger ships and passenger boats on sight, excursion and fishing voyages.
The Skull has rectified some of the problems that existed in the earlier system of legal registration, e.g. the possibility of being registered in a composite position when it is permissible for the captain to be also the engineer officer and he has rights in both. The same manning rules for passenger boats and passenger ships have also been linked to seafarer qualification categories. a video can be accessed on the implementation of legal registration, general guidelines on legal registration of seafarers, laws and rules on legal registration of seafarers, rights categories, prerequisites for legal registration and rules on manning ships.
No captains may leave port unless all crew members are duly registered on the ship, have a valid certificate of competency or are exempted from the status for which they are legally registered, the ship holds a valid certificate of seaworthiness, the ship is manned in accordance with its size, engine power, operating conditions and outdoor activities, a confirmation that the crew member has received safety training in the Seafarers Accident Prevention School or by other means, and has valid crew insurance for all those on board. This does not apply in an emergency situation.
The captain shall ensure that at the time of the termination of any period of presence on board the ship the person concerned is dismissed from the register. The Transportation Office shall deregister a seafarer when the ship is no longer in seaworthy water, or when the ship''s crew insurance has expired or when his certificate of competency has expired. The Directorate of Communications shall notify the party in question that he has been deregistered.
Comments by users
The Icelandic Transport Agency encourages all those who are using Skútuna to submit information if they see any issues and points that may be better addressed: