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First meeting of the steering group on safety in Iceland

27th May 2024

On May 21st, the first meeting of the newly formed steering group on safety of airway in Iceland was held at the Icelandic Transport Authority.

Icelandic Transport Authority - steering group on runway safety in Iceland

The objective of the Icelandic Transportation Authority with the members of the steering group is to establish a formal forum for consultations between various stakeholders on the safety of air traffic in Iceland, with emphasis on collisions, crashes and incidents of aircraft leaving the runway. The participation of stakeholders, including representatives of users, i.e. air carriers, air clubs, air schools and associations of pilots and aviation enthusiasts, as well as safety committees of professional aircraft operators and air traffic controllers, was called for. Also airport operators and air traffic services.

Participation in the 1st meeting of the Steering Group was good. The project description was approved, which can be seen here.