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Excellent driving instructors

23rd June 2023

95% of driving instructors have now started registrations and can therefore digitally confirm driving times, driving evaluation and that the student is ready to drive for a training session.

Driving lessons

The use of the digital driving learning process has been well underway. The goal of the project is to simplify the process and improve service dramatically. Driving instructors are an important part of users. They cater to the needs of their students and have welcomed the digital driving learning process. As a result 95% of driving instructors have now started registering and can confirm their driving times, driving evaluation and that the student is ready to drive for training.

Here is an overview of the number of driving instructors and the percentage of those who have signed up to take part in the digital driving learning process:

Total number of driving instructors (according to Driving Licence Registry)


Active driving instructors in the B programme from January 2023


Percentage of B-grade driving instructors using the digital driving learning process
