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Concerning the period of validity of the certificate of seaworthiness

21st November 2023

A new register of ships, Skútan, introduced the procedure of issuing a certificate of seaworthiness with full validity, even in the case the result of the inspection was remark 2.

Samgöngustofa - siglingar

The Icelandic Transport Authority would like to draw attention to the fact that, when the new shipping register, Skutuna, was introduced, it was adopted that the procedure to issue a certificate of seaworthiness with full validity, despite the conclusion of the inspection, would be remark 2.

Declassification 0 of an inspection, is understood to mean that no observation is recorded on the ship: The ship is issued with a full certificate of seaworthiness.

Remark 1 of an inspection, is a minor note that was recorded on the ship, but no revision is required. The operator is responsible for rectification of the note: The ship is issued with a certificate of seaworthiness with full validity.

Remark 2 of an inspection, includes a note that was recorded on the ship. The deadline for rectification can be a maximum of 3 months and a review is scheduled for the ship in this connection. There is a need to implement the revision and call for revision before the expiry of the deadline: the ship is notwithstanding this issued with a certificate of seaworthiness with full validity. If the rectification has not been completed within the respite a review carried out by the inspecting body confirming the validity of the ship's certificate of seaworthiness will expire. This means that the ship is unseaworthy and cannot be registered.

Remark 3 of inspection, is a ship considered unfit for sea and cannot be issued with a certificate of seaworthiness.

The amendment from the earlier provision that the period of validity of a certificate of seaworthiness is not limited if the outcome of the inspection is remark 2. However, if the revision is not completed within a time limit (3 months at the longest), the ship's certificate of seaworthiness will expire.

When issuing a certificate of seaworthiness, an e-mail from the Icelandic Transport Authority indicates that a review is on the agenda, and then when the certificate of seaworthiness expires.

The advantages of this are that a ship only needs to apply once for a certificate of seaworthiness between periodic inspections and pays once for the issuance of a certificate of seaworthiness for the year.

See inspection arrangements.