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For information - Psychological support

29th March 2023

Emergency responders in East Iceland meet regularly with people from the Civil Defense and the Police in the East.

Emergency responders in East Iceland meet regularly with people from the Civil Defense and the Police in the East.

All residents who feel insecure or unwell due to these conditions we are facing are encouraged to look for the nearest mass aid center and receive psychological support from the emergency responders there. 

Other resources: 
You can watch an educational video from HSA's (The Health Directorate of East Iceland) senior psychologist about common reactions to trauma and ways to go through trauma. 

You can choose English or Polish subtitles inside the video settings wheel  

The Red Cross helpline is always open through phone number 1717, and on their website you can also access an online chat with an advisor

Priests in Fjarðabyggð and Múlaþing are available by phone for help or pastoral care as requested
Arnaldur Arnold Bárðarson, Breiðdalsvík 766-8344, 

Benjamín Böðvarsson, Reyðarfjörður 861-4797, 

Bryndís Böðvarsdóttir, Neskaupsstað 897-1773, 

Ingibjörg Jóhannsdóttir, deacon, 760-1033, 

Jóna Kristín Þorvaldsdóttir, Fáskrúðsfjörður 897-1170, 

Kristín Þórunn Tómasdóttir, Egilsstaðir; 862-4164, 

Sigríður Rún Tryggvadóttir, Seyðisfjörður; 698-4958, 

Þorgeir Arason, Egilsstaðir; 847-9289, 

Heilbrigðisstofnun Austurlands/ The Health Directorate of East Iceland (HSA) 
You can call HSA and speak with a nurse at 470-3000 during daytime hours. See information about opening hours at and on the Facebook page The Health Directorate of East Iceland. 

Social services in Fjarðarbyggð 470-9015 for advice and information 

Social services in Múlaþing 470-0700 for advice and information 

Here is an accessible brochure from the Red Cross about psychological support and how to get through trauma in the best possible way. The brochure is available in many languages.