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Changes to the rules on domestic travel costs

27th June 2024

Applications for domestic travel costs will be changed from 1 July 2024, due to amendments to Regulation No 1140/2019.

The key changes are these and apply to journeys made on or after 1 July 2024:

  1. Basic rights of health insured persons to participate in travel expenses will be

    four trips.

    In trips over 20 km in each calendar year. The right has been 3 trips per year since the end of last year, but there had long been two trips every 12 months. It remains a condition that there is necessary medical treatment that cannot be obtained in the hometown.

  2. A medical certificate is no longer required for the basic right, which now amounts to four trips per calendar year.

    An individual can turn to the Health Insurance Office of District Commissioners around the country and receive travel costs paid on the basis of travel documents such as a plane ticket or fuel payment receipt. If an electronic invoice for entry into healthcare is available at the Health Insurance, no further documentation needs to be submitted. If such an invoice is not available, payment for entry or other confirmation of entry must be demonstrated. Data may be submitted electronically.

  3. Doctors and midwives must continue to apply for travel expenses for repeated trips in connection with serious illnesses. Such travel expenses can be applied for using the form Skýrsla vegna ferðakostnaðar innanlands, which is available on the website of Health Insurance under Forms.

Questions can be sent to

Enn aukið við rétt til ferðakostnaðar innanlands 2024 | Sjúkratryggingar (