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The quality and supervision of welfare services is supervised by the Quality and Supervisory Authority of Welfare. The objective is that the services that are supervised by the Agency are sound, safe and in accordance with the provisions of laws, regulations, rules, agreements and guidelines.

Operating licence

Operating license for services in the field of child protection, for disabled people, for day care of children, urgent problems etc.

Reminders and complaints

Notifications, complaints and reports of serious unexpected events in welfare services for children, disabled people, elderly people, blind and visually impaired people and other groups.

Social Care Standards

GEV should develop Social Care Standards based on the best possible knowledge of policy areas in the Agency's scope of tasks.

Quality criteria GEV

Quality standards in services for disabled people

Quality standards explain how we want services for people with disabilities to be. The criteria are based on human rights. They help us make sure that all disabled people get the same quality service, wherever they live


Quality and Supervisory Authority for Welfare

Contact us

Tel: 540 0040
open all weekdays 11 - 15


Suðurlandsbraut 24, 5th floor

108 Reykjavík

kt. 611221 0100

Contact us

Tel: 540 0040
open all weekdays 11 - 15


Suðurlandsbraut 24, 5th floor

108 Reykjavík

kt. 611221 0100