Digital parental leave application growing and growing
8th November 2022
A digital application for parental leave is now also open to expectant parents who are studying, who are out of the labour market, and those who receive unemployment benefits.
In early 2022, the general application for parental leave was brought to digital form. The application was extended to applicants on the general labour market and self-employed. Now, a maternity allowance has been added to the application so that students and non-workers can choose a digital application.
In addition, those receiving unemployment benefits now have the option to apply. More than 60% of applicants for parental leave choose a digital career. Expect to see that percentage increase as the group of those who can use the process grows.
Digital applications for parental leave are a collaboration between the Directorate of Labour and Digital Iceland.
A digital application means that the applicant does not need to collect any paperwork or signatures and send it to the Parental Leave Fund, but the process is automatic. The applicant has the process on Í and the application itself downloads the expected date of birth to Heilsuvera, information to the National Registry and pay-related information to the Directorate of Internal Revenue.
The application leads the applicant through a user-friendly interface where the prospective parent answers questions such as when it is planned to start parental leave and how it is requested to be divided.
When the mother has filled out the application, it is automatically sent to the spouse and then to the employer if appropriate. Finally, the application returns directly to the Employment System of the Maternity/Paternity Leave Fund and expecting parents can follow the status of the application on My pages on Í and in the Í app.