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Directorate of Labour Frontpage
Directorate of Labour Frontpage


Human resources policy

The Directorate of Labour's human resources policy aims to recruit, cultivate and maintain the human resources necessary for the Directorate to fulfill its purpose and objectives and the activities reflect the values that the Directorate works to.

The following priorities are intended to contribute to this.


  • The HR plan shall be drawn up in accordance with the Agency's policies and priorities.

  • There shall be job descriptions and job descriptions for all jobs.


  • The recruitment process aims to recruit the most qualified candidates at any given time and to enforce laws and regulations.

  • The recruitment process should seek to recruit people who are likely to identify with the organisation and work in accordance with the values of the organisation.

  • The recruitment process should enhance the institution's professional image and the applicants should be informed of the status of their application as soon as possible.

Keeping and cultivating good people:

  • The reception of new employees should be such that they can quickly adapt to the workplace, learn the methods necessary to achieve good work and work in accordance with the objectives and values of the institution. The knowledge that the new employee has should be used for the development of the operation.

  • Managers are aware of the importance of motivation and feedback and use it systematically and regularly.

  • Employees should be encouraged to maintain and develop knowledge and professional competences so that the institution is always well placed to provide excellent services. A personal development plan should be established in connection with annual staff meetings. There should be a specific educational policy.

  • Staff meetings shall be held once a year. Before the staff meetings, an assessment of performance shall be carried out, which the head and the employee discuss during the staff meeting.

  • Employees are equally entitled regardless of gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, race, political opinion, religion or nationality. There should be a special policy on equal rights.

  • The aim should be to offer the greatest possible flexibility in terms of working hours and work-life balance without compromising the service to external and internal customers.

  • Employees should be encouraged and supported to practice their own health and pursue a healthy lifestyle. Work environment and work conditions should be endeavoured to be attractive and safe. There should be a safety strategy

  • The institution's staff should strive to form a strong team, where communication is characterized by honesty, support and respect. Behaviour that causes distress and discomfort to others will not be tolerated. A special bullying programme should be in place.

  • Wage conditions are determined in collective agreements and take into account individual factors in institutional agreements between the Directorate of Labour and the relevant union. Efforts should also be made to look at employees’ performance, their ability to resolve cases and knowledge of the subject in determining wages.


  • Dismissal for retirement should be expedited, whatever the reason for it. A retirement conversation should be sought.

  • The necessary support and information shall be provided to the partners so that they can continue to provide good service to customers.