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Digital Iceland

Newsletter July 2022

5th July 2022

Newsletter of Digital Iceland July 2022.

Tengjum ríkið

Connecting the state - pre-registration

An open conference on the Icelandic government's digital future will take place on 22 September 2022. The conference will discuss new digital administration solutions and present many exciting innovations.

The program will be a richly detailed resource, both from organizations with key roles in the public service and Digital Iceland partners.

The aim is that the conference will be both on-site and streamed, with a record 1400 attendees last year.

Sign up

Health insurance transport to

Health insurance has been actively working to improve services for its customers in recent years. A major milestone on this journey was reached on the day that Icelandic Health Insurance moved its website entirely to Í


Digital application for the sale of alcohol

District Commissioners shall oversee the liquor sales license at the place of manufactures. The application is digital on the District Commissioners website. District Commissioners have been working systematically on getting all applications in digital format with the aim of improving services.

Application in Icelandic on Í

Improvements to the Í application system.

The application system in Í in constant development in cooperation with institutions. Two innovations have been added that are useful for applicants, but searches have been improved so that it is easy to search for text in the application's title or after the establishment. A "new application" button has also been added to the applications overview.

Amongst the projects at Digital Iceland these days are:

  • Your passport - publishing information on My pages in and in an app

  • Digital passport application

  • Electronic registration of real estate deeds

  • Electronic registration of real estate purchase contracts

  • The website of the Directorate of Immigration, Í

  • Electronic submission of annual financial statements to the National Audit Office

  • Applications for companies

  • ADR and machine rights published in and My pages in