Maternity and paternity grant for students
Calculate the potential payment of maternity allowance.
Select which of these you want to calculate:
Birth year of child
In cases of primary adoption or permanent foster care, the year in which the child enters the home is considered.
Work percentage
Work percentage on the Icelandic labour market in the last 6 months before the estimated date of birth.
Monthly average salary before tax
For general wage earners, the payment assessment period is the 12 months that end six months before the month of birth of a child. For those who are self-employed, the period is the year (Jan-Dec) before the birth year of the child.
Supplementary pension savings
Supplementary pension savings are optional. The Directorate of Labour does not match pension fees.
Union fees
Paying union fees is optional. If fee payments are not continued during leave, union rights may be lost.
Percentage of personal tax credit
You can choose the percentage of personal tax credit to use for maternity and paternity leave, or grant, payments.
Period of maternity and paternity leave I want calculations for
Each leave period must be minimum 2 weeks long.
Leave percentage
A lower rate of maternity and paternity leave can be chosen if a parent for example wishes to stretch payments over a longer period, or work alongside the leave.
Service provider
Directorate of Labour