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Financial aid for organ donation

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If organ donor is employed

All applications must be accompanied by the following documents and applicants must meet the following conditions.


The conditions for payments to employers are:

  • You must have worked for 6 months or more on the domestic labour market.

  • The employment rate must have been at least 25 %.

  • The employment rate of self-employed persons is based on the payment of the insurance contribution.

Supporting data

The application must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • certificate of the specialist responsible for the donation stating the length and time of the donor's departure from work;

  • confirmation by the employer that the work has been suspended;

  • confirmation by the employer that the pay has been cancelled;

  • confirmation of the employer during the period of employment and the employment rate;

  • income plan,

  • information on the possible use of personalised discounts, the use can be registered.


Payments are income-related and are based on 80% of average wages for the income year preceding the year in which the donation is made. This applies both to employees and self-employed individuals.

The maximum amount of income-related payments per month may be the highest before tax, but the minimum amount of income-related payments is never lower than before tax.

The donor pays a minimum of 4% towards the pension fund, while TR pays 8% towards the pension fund. You can also request to pay towards supplementary pension savings and to a trade union.

Back to work

If you return to a lower salary or if you need to reduce salary than you had before the donation, you may be entitled to proportionate payments.

Conditions and supporting documents for proportional payments

You must submit the following data:

  • A reduction in the proportion of employees who work for the donor.

  • A certificate from the doctor who is responsible for the donation must be provided.