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Licences for firearms

Categories and rules

To own a firearm and to carry such devices is a responsibility. The laws regarding the ownership of weapons are rigid and high requirements are placed on the licensee to have all rules on the tachographs and handling of firearms in order. The licensee may be deprived of the right to own a firearm if the provisions are not complied with.

The Icelandic Armed Forces Act covers exceptions that may be made – but in essence all weapons are prohibited, unless specifically permitted. This is discussed in the Icelandic Armed Forces Act and the Regulation on Firearms, which can be accessed here:

A permit

Firearms licenses are tiered and it can be said that as the licensee gains further rights, the fleet of firearms that the licensee may possess increases, but equally, the restrictions that licensees are placed on the use of the weapons also decrease. When the licensee first obtains a license (A rights), the licensee may possess and use only:

  1. Guns no. 12 and smaller, but not automatic or semi-automatic.

  2. Rifles cal. 22 (long rifle and smaller), including air rifles, but not automatic or semi-automatic.

B permit

After one year, the licensee may apply for increased firearms rights - category B. Under category B licensed weapons, the regulation states:

“A licence for rifles with a calibre of up to 30 cal and semi-automatic shotguns shall not be granted unless special reasons recommend it, provided that the applicant has had a firearms licence for at least one year.”

D permit

This is a so-called sports license, a license specifically granted to an individual or a shooter for pistols for sporting shooting sbr. Article 11. The police commissioner shall send such applications with his/her comments to the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police for decision.

E permit

A person holding a firearms licence may with the permission of the Chief of Police load cartridges for his own use into the firearms for which he/she is authorized, provided such ammunition is otherwise authorized to be used in Iceland. Only those who, in the opinion of the Chief of Police, have sufficient knowledge to load cartridges and carry loading equipment may be granted a licence, provided they have qualified firearms licenses according to Article 3 (Category B) and have undergone a course in loading ammunition according to the decision of the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police.

S permit

The National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police may grant individuals, associations and public museums permission to possess and keep firearms of unequivocal collectibility because of their age, their connection to the history of the country or for other special reasons. In order to obtain such permission, it is necessary:

  • Have been a firearms license holder for at least five years.

  • Have adequate facilities for the preservation of the firearms.

  • Have custody that is eligible for police

  • Have a security system connected to a control center

  • Apply for a permit to purchase firearms in the collection and obtain a purchase permit, see Article 30.

Permit to work as a gunsmith

Just as having a weapon requires a right to work in the making of a gun - but this also includes the repair of a firearm. These rights are issued by the police to those who demonstrate learning and experience useful in the making and repair of such weapons.