Laws and regulations
Rules on archiving and records management
The National Archives of Iceland has the role as the implementing body of public archives and records management to set rules on the archiving and records management of the deliverable parties, as per the rules on public archives. The rules stipulate how deliverable parties that fall under the administration of the state and municipalities should conduct the archiving and records management, how the completion and delivery of archives and data collections to public archives should be conducted and on the preservation and disposal of documents. According to the rules, deliverable parties are obliged to conduct the records management and records management in the manner stated in the rules established on the basis of the Act.
Existing rules on archiving and records management
Reglur um varðveislu og eyðingu skjala úr fjárhagsbókhaldi (nr. 1022/2023)
Reglur um eyðingu prófúrlausna og metinna námsmatsgagna hjá afhendingarskyldum aðilum (nr. 913/2021)
Reglur um tilkynningu, samþykkt og skil á rafrænum gagnasöfnum afhendingarskyldra aðila (nr. 877/2020)
Reglur um meðferð, varðveislu og eyðingu á tölvupóstum afhendingarskyldra aðila (nr. 331/2020)
Reglur um skráningu mála og málsgagna afhendingarskyldra aðila (nr. 85/2018)
Reglur um frágang, skráningu og afhendingu pappírsskjalasafna afhendingarskyldra aðila (nr. 573/2015)
Reglur Þjóðskjalasafns Íslands um málalykla afhendingarskyldra aðila (nr. 572/2015)
Reglur Þjóðskjalasafns Íslands um skjalavistunaráætlanir afhendingarskyldra aðila (nr. 571/2015)
Reglur Þjóðskjalasafns Íslands um afhendingu á vörsluútgáfum gagna úr rafrænum gagnakerfum afhend
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National Archives of Iceland