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  • Login always occurs at a secure site,

  • You will never have to enter your IceKey on the website of a service provider.

  • All IceKey communications use a secure sockets layer (SSL).

  • All of the IceKey personal data is encrypted, and it is impossible for any part of the system to reveal an IceKey, since only its hash value is stored there.

  • The initial IceKeys issued by Digital Iceland reach you in one of three ways: via a secure connection on your personal banking site, in a closed letter sent to your registered address (domicile), or concealed and handed directly to you if you come to the Registers Iceland Customer Service Centre.

  • In My pages on, you can always look over your login history in order to make certain that no one else has managed to obtain and use your IceKey or eID card.

  • In April 2013, Capacent (an independent knowledge company) performed a risk assessment of the Icelandic National Portal login service. The Capacent conclusion read as follows: "Capacent's investigation did not reveal any serious security vulnerabilities; in fact, substantial knowledge would be required, both technical and concerning the system itself, in order to be able to abuse it."

  • The purpose of IceKey is to enable the user to access her or his own personal, exclusive pages on the websites of companies, municipalities and other bodies and organisations.

  • The purpose of entering your mobile phone number is to provide additional security when you request access to information that is particularly sensitive. In such a case, you would get a text message (SMS) which provides you with a single-use enforcement code.

  • The purpose of entering your e-mail address is to make it possible to send you important information and advice on IceKey security or other matters.

  • Note that all of the information in the IceKey database is encrypted.

  • Digital Iceland guarantees that all of the IceKey database information will be treated as confidential material and will never be passed on to any third party.

Service provider

Di­gital Ice­land