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What is an IceKey?

  • An IceKey is a password which is linked to the official Icelandic identification number of an individual or legal entity.

  • The first IceKey given to the individual or legal entity will be generated randomly by machine and will consist of three words from an Icelandic dictionary, separated by dots.

  • The user of the IceKey will be requested to change the original password when using it for the first time. The new IceKey will have to be strong, meaning it will need to contain at least 10 characters which must include numbers, symbols and letters. The special Icelandic letters are recognised as well, but no distinction is made between small and capital letters.

What is a multi-factor IceKey?

  • When access is given to highly sensitive material, additional security may be demanded upon logging in.

  • This added security is ensured by a multi-factor IceKey, which involves not only an IceKey but also a six-digit verification code that is sent as a text message to the user's mobile telephone.

  • Therefore, the first time that you use an IceKey to log in, you will be asked for a mobile phone number and an e-mail address for sending you such messages when more security is necessary.

Who can get an IceKey?

  • Any company or person, no matter what age the person is.

How can I get an IceKey?

  • Online through your personal banking site. Keep in mind that a child's IceKey cannot be sent to the personal banking site of the child's parent or guardian.

  • In an envelope mailed to an Icelandic embassy or an Icelandic consul overseas, where you can pick it up by showing your passport or driving licence.

  • Should none of the ways above be suitable to you, please contact the Digital Iceland customer service centre by telephoning (+354) 426 5500 or sending an e-mail to

Where can I use my IceKey?

  • You can use it on the websites of many Icelandic companies, organisations, municipalities and other public and private bodies.

I've forgotten or lost my IceKey. What can I do?

  • You can simply order a new IceKey, to be sent either to your personal banking site or In an envelope mailed to an Icelandic embassy. 

  • Note that after you have ordered an IceKey, you will be unable to order a new one until two hours have passed.

I'm trying to login but the website says I have an incorrect IceKey. What should I do?

  • Click the circle to the right of the IceKey box so that you can see what you type. Make sure no one is looking over your shoulder!

  • If your computer is a MAC, please note:The Safari and Google Chrome browsers for MAC will enter some of the special Icelandic letters (á, é, í, ó, ú and ý) incorrectly unless you click the circle to the right of the IceKey box before starting to type. We thus recommend that MAC users who are getting a new IceKey choose one without any such letters.

  • Note that if you type incorrect IceKeys more than ten times, the website will stop you from trying again until after midnight.

  • There is always a risk of typing characters incorrectly if they are hidden. This risk increases if you use any Icelandic letter which requires you to hit two keys, unless you can then see the letter on your screen. It is a good idea to look at the characters before clicking on Confirm, though first making sure no one is watching over your shoulder, so that your IceKey can stay secret.

I am unable to change my IceKey!

  • When you are making up a new IceKey, it will help if you can see what you are typing. The characters will appear if you click first in the circle to the right of the IceKey box.

  • As soon as the bar turns green, your IceKey has become strong enough. However, you do not need to let the green bar reach all the way across.

Where can I find the IceKey on my personal banking site?

  • The document you need to open is named in Icelandic "Íslykill"

  • The following lines indicate where you should click in the personal pages of each bank's website. Please keep in mind that you may have to wait 5 to 10 minutes for the document to appear online.

    • Arion Bank: Statements / Electronic documents / Type of document

    • Íslandsbanki: Statements / Online statements / Type

    • Landsbankinn: Statements / Electronic documents / Type

Can I get an IceKey for my child through a personal banking site?

  • The parents or guardians of children are not permitted to get their child's IceKey sent to their own banking site. Of course, if the child has online banking access through her/his own identification number, the IceKey can be sent to the child's site. Otherwise, the IceKey will have to be sent by mail to the child's domicile.

How can I change my IceKey?

  • You will always have to change a new IceKey, and will be requested to do so the first time you log in with it.  

  • From then on, whenever you want to change the IceKey that you are using at the time, select My pages on A new window will open so you can change your preferences, and you will see there a button to click for changing your IceKey.

How can I change my mobile phone number and e-mail address?

  • For the time being, the only way is to apply for a new IceKey. You will have to change it when you get it, and can change your mobile phone number and e-mail address at the same time.

Service provider

Di­gital Ice­land