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Entry requirements to Iceland

Recognised travel documents

The following foreign identity cards are recognised as travel documents instead of passports on arrival and departure from Iceland:

  1. Travel document for refugees, issued in accordance with the United Nations Refugee Convention of July 28 1951. The travel document must be valid for return to the issuing country.

  2. A document issued by competent authorities to a stateless person or a citizen of another country than the issuing country, if the document fulfils the requirements set out in chapter III of the Regulation on Foreigners.

  3. The following ID cards issued to citizens of the respective countries:

    • Austria: Personalausweis.

    • Belgium: Carte d'Identité (Identiteitskaart, Personalausweis, Identity card). Identiteitsdocument (Document d'identité, Identitätsdokument, Identity document).

    • Bulgaria: Lichna karta (ЛИЧНА КАРТА, Identity card).

    • Croatia: Osobna iskaznica (Identity Card).

    • Cyprus: Deltio Taytotitas (ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΑΥΤΟΤΗΤΑΣ, Kimlik Karti, Identity Card).

    • Czech Republic: Občanský průkaz (Czech Republic Identification Card).

    • Estonia: Eesti Vabariik Isikutunnistus (Republic of Estonia Identity Card).

    • Finland: Henkilökortti (Identitetskort, Identity Card).

    • France: Carte Nationale d'Identité.

    • Germany: Personalausweis (Identity card, Carte d'Identite), Vorläufiger Personalausweis (Identity card, Carte d'identite), and Reiseausweis als Passersatz. If the ID does not contain a photograph of the holder, he/she must also present the expired pass or Personalausweis.

    • Greece: Deltio Taytotitas (ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΑΥΤΟΤΗΤΑΣ).

    • Hungary: Személyazonosító Igazolvány (Identity card).

    • Ireland: Pas/Passport/Passeport.

    • Italy: Carta d'Identità.

    • Latvia: Personas apliecība (Personal Identity Card).

    • Liechtenstein: Identitätskarte (Carte d'Identité, Carta d'Identità).

    • Lithuania: Asmens tapatybés kortelé (Personal Identity Card).

    • Luxembourg: Carte d'Identité (Identity Card, Personalausweis).

    • Malta: Karta Ta'l-Identità.

    • Monaco: Carte d'Indentité (Identity Card).

    • Norway: ID-Kort (National ID Card).

    • Netherlands: Nederlandse Identiteitskaart (Identity card, Carte d'identité).

    • Poland: Rzeczpospolita Polska Dowód Osobisty (Republic of Poland Identity Card).

    • Portugal: Bilhete de Identidade de Cidadão Nacional (Carte d'Identité, Identity card of national citizen) and Cartão de Cidadão (citizen card).

    • Rumenia: Carte d'Identite (Carte de identitate, Identity card).

    • Slovakia: Obciansky Preukaz (Identification Card).

    • Slovenia: Osebna Izkaznica (Identity Card).

    • Spain: Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI).

    • Sweden: Nationellt identitetskort (National Identity Card, Carte nationale d'identité).

    • Switzerland: Carte d'Identité Citoyen Suisse (Identitätskarte Schweizerbürger, Carta d'Identità Cittadino Svizzero) issued to Swiss citizens. Identitätskarte (Carte d'Identité, Carta d'Identità, Carta d'Identitad, Identity Card), issued after 30 June 1994 to Swiss citizens. Laissez-passer, issued to Swiss citizens.

  4. Seaman's book or seafarer's identity document issued in accordance with the ILO Conventions concerning Seafarers National Identity Documents No. 108 of 1958 or No. 185 of 2003 in connection with documentation of hire on board or discharge from a ship in an Icelandic or foreign port.

  5. Flight crew member certificate issued by competent authorities in a member state of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), if the holders can proof that they have signed on as members of the crew of an aircraft located in Iceland.

  6. NATO Travel Order – Ordre de Mission OTAN (for NATO military personnel) on the condition that the holder has a military service book and an individual or collective NATO movement order.

  7. NATO Leave Order on the condition that the holder has a military service book and a valid travel warrant to Iceland. The document permits a stay in Iceland for up to 90 days.

  8. Laissez-passer issued to staff of the United Nations, subordinate agencies of the UN or the International Atomic Energy Agency, if the holders are traveling for the abovementioned organizations and present, besides the laissez-passer, a declaration from the UN or the agency they work for stating that they are traveling in the interest of the UN or the agency concerned.

  9. Valid travel documents (Ausweis, Laissez-passer, Lascia-passare) issued by the European Union.

  10. Valid UNMIK Travel Documents issued to residents of Kosovo by the United Nations Mission in Kosovo.

  11. Valid travel documents issued in accordance with Regulation 2016/1953 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the establishment of a European travel document for the return of illegally staying third-country nationals.

The information provided on this page is in accordance with Annex 3 to Regulation No. 866/2017.

A list of travel documents issued by third countries, and recognized my Schengen member states, can be found on the official website of the European Union: Travel documents issued by third countries and territorial entities (Part I).