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-Automatic translation

The Directorate of Health issues a specific national version of the NCSP+, the so-called NCSP-IS. In NCSP-IS, all valid NCSP+ codes from 2007 are included, but the special Icelandic V codes from NCSP are omitted. As it is a transformation file and not a classification system, NCSP-IS codes are not accompanied by explanatory texts. NCSP-IS is recommended when registering surgical procedures in the health service, particularly regarding DRG funding in Iceland. Registration with NCSP-IS is more detailed than NCSP registration, as NCSP has recently developed towards specific country codes, which are then mapped to a separate NCSP+ file.

Under the auspices of the Nordic Casemix Centre, codes from the national versions of the NCSP are compiled annually into a file called NCSP+. It is used in coordination with cost analysis of health services in Nordic countries.

The NCSP+ (and NCSP-IS) codes are based on the basic structure of the NCSP classification system of three letters and two numbers, with the addition of a third decimal place to indicate the type of intervention.

The third character in NCSP+ indicates one of the following:

  • A - anaesthesia

  • D - diagnostic radiology

  • E - endoscopy

  • F - physiological examination

  • O - oncology

  • R - rehabilitation

  • S - surgical procedure

  • X - other procedure

  • Z - special circumstances.

©The Nordic Medico-Statistical Committee (NOMESCO) holds the copyright to the NCSP+ version. Örn Bjarnason has the copyright to Icelandic translations used from NCSP.

NCSP-IS (NCSP+) files

Database version for health institutions