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Cash sickness benefits - Allowance during illness

Application for cash sickness benefits

Related benefits and payments

The following categories of benefits and remedies relate to sickness benefits in one way or another

Cash sickness benefits from union health funds

Most unions have a sickness fund and pay members a proportion of their salary during sickness. These payments go along with cash sickness benefits from Iceland Health.

Financial assistance for social services in the municipality

If you do not have the right to receive payments from a trade union, you can contact the social services.

Social services often want applicants to seek their rights from Iceland Health. Then the following applies:

  • It is not possible to confirm whether you have the right to cash sickness benefits unless you receive an application and all the documents.

  • However, it is possible to confirm when an application has been received, which sometimes suffices until the application is processed.

Accident allowance

If your illness is a result of an accident at work, at home or other social security services, it is usually better for you to apply for accident benefits, as there are higher benefits.

Rehabilitation pension at the Social Insurance Administration

Cash sickness benefits is not paid in conjunction with rehabilitation. If rehabilitation starts at the Social Insurance Administration, payment of cash sickness benefits will automatically stop.

Rights in insurance companies

Note that sometimes you are entitled to payments from insurance companies, for example for sickness insurance. All payments from insurance companies can go along with cash sickness benefits and therefore it is best to seek all rights from them as well.

Other payments from the Social Insurance Administration

In case of a spouse's or a child's illness, you are advised to check the right to Social Insurance for spouse and care benefits or parental allowance.

Pension funds

Day care can be paid in conjunction with disability and rehabilitation pensions from pension funds

Compensation for victims of crime

The State Treasury can pay compensation for assaults and mischief. If you are unable to work after assault, you can also contact the e-mail address for information.

Application for cash sickness benefits

Service provider

Ice­land Health