Cash sickness benefits - Allowance during illness
Grounds for payment
Assessment of dishes
Cash sickness benefits is paid if you were completely unable to work due to your own illness for at least 21 days and one of the following applies in the two months preceding your illness:
be a worker in Iceland
- employment abroad does not entitle you to sickness benefit
be self-employed in Iceland
- for the handling of cash sickness benefits, the calculated consideration paid by the
- If an individual settles the tax 1x a year, accounts for posted work must be received
receive unemployment benefits from the Directorate of Labour
- must have been deregistered in sickness
be a student and have had delays in your studies due to the illness
- on a 75% or more basis
- or if education and part-time work equal a combined 75% or more of education
If none of the above applies, it is sufficient that the applicant is not fully capable of household chores, according to the assessment of the doctor.
Grounds for payment
In addition, you must be:
health insured in Iceland
16 years or older
with legal domicile in Iceland
- the right remains for 2 months after transfer abroad
not in prison
The applicant may also not receive a concomitant payment of sickness benefits:
wages from the employer
payments from the Maternity/Paternity Leave Fund
payments from the Directorate of Labour
payments of accident-day allowance
full pension payments from the Social Insurance Administration
Service provider
Iceland Health