Fara beint í efnið

2. mars 2020

Press release. Coronavirus-COVID-19. 02.03.2020.

The total number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 infections in Iceland has risen to six. Three additional cases were confirmed today. These individuals had all travelled to Verona, Italy, prior to being tested positive to the virus. They are all in their 60s and have experienced typical symptoms of COVID-19.

Landlæknir logo - Fréttamyndir

The total number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 infections in Iceland has risen to six. Three additional cases were confirmed today. These individuals had all travelled to Verona, Italy, prior to being tested positive to the virus. They are all in their 60s and have experienced typical symptoms of COVID-19.

All six are now under home quarantine, including the man who was first diagnosed with the virus who was discharged from hospital earlier today.

The National Commission of the Icelandic Police, the Chief of Police in the Greater Reykjavík Area and the Chief Epidemiologist are now working to trace the pathways of infection in connection with these new cases. Over the past two days, the team has contacted approximately 115 people, and all passengers coming from Verona have gone into quarantine.

Today 19 samples were examined today at Landspitali, of which three tested positive. From the beginning of the outbreak, approximately 150 samples have been tested. Approximately 260 people are under quarantine throughout the country. Further information on home quarantine can be found on the website of the Directorate of Health.

To ensure full capacity of the healthcare system, healthcare workers have been encouraged not to travel and stay in the country. The National Commission of the Icelandic Police is reaching out to vulnerable groups with relevant information about COVID-19. These include elderly people and people with underlying medical conditions.

The Icelandic Health Insurance has arranged for accommodation to be available for tourists experiencing symptoms and who may need to be quarantined.