Fara beint í efnið

20. janúar 2021

Change regarding applications from British citizens

The Directorate of Health points out that the UK has now officially left the EU. That means that the EEA Agreement is no longer applicable to British citizens. If a British citizen applies for a licence or a specialist licence in Iceland his/hers application will be processed in the same way as applications from applicants outside the EEA and Switzerland,

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The Directorate of Health points out that the UK has now officially left the EU. That means that the EEA Agreement is no longer applicable to British citizens.

If a British citizen applies for a licence or a specialist licence in Iceland his/hers application will be processed in the same way as applications from applicants outside the EEA and Switzerland, with which Iceland has not made an agreement on recognition of professional qualifications and competence.

EEA-citizens who submit a British diploma are still able to base their applications on directive 2005/36/EC and regulation 510/2020 on the recognition of professional qualifications. As for those applicants, Art 37 of the aforenamed regulation applies.