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If suicidal thoughts appear, it is good to remember that there is help available.
Where can I get help?

The Directorate of Health is responsible for suicide prevention in Iceland and is a professional advisor to the government in that field. Suicide prevention is managed at Lífsbrú – Center for Suicide Prevention, and work is carried out in accordance with the approved current action plan to reduce the number of suicides in Iceland.

Lífsbrú - Centre for Suicide Prevention

Lífsbrú - Centre for Suicide Prevention, which operates under the auspices of the Directorate of Health, is the government's professional adviser in collaboration with the Council on Suicide Prevention. Lífsbrú promotes cooperation among those working on the issue domestically and abroad. Lífsbrú - Centre for Suicide Prevention, monitors research, produces educational materials for the general public and professionals, and promotes awareness of the issue.


Suicides are relatively rare compared to the largest categories of causes of death. In the past decade, the annual number of suicides in Iceland has been between 34–49. See more statistics on suicides.

Suicide is generally more common among men than women, while the frequency of suicide attempts is higher among women and younger age groups. However, self-harm and suicide attempts are known risk factors for suicide, emphasising the importance of individuals receiving good support, follow-up, and appropriate treatment following a suicide attempt.