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Special benefits and discounts for older people

Various special benefits and discounts are available for older people, such as lower fees for health services, subsidies from Sjúkratryggingar and discounts in many places, which are worth looking at.

Payment contribution to healthcare costs

The Ministry of Health annually determines the co-payment of the insured persons in the costs of health services.

Older people do not pay for coming to health care and visits and lower fees for other services of health care and other service providers. Medicine costs for older people is lower.

Dental services

Iceland Health participates in the payment of dentistry for older people. A prerequisite for co-payment for older people is that the person is registered with a family dentist.

Health insurance grants

Iceland's Health, can provide grants, among other things, for the purchase and operation of a car due to mobility impairment and the purchase of glasses and hearing aids. Iceland Health also subsidise the purchase of assistive devices.

Funeral expenses

Some labor unions provide members with grants for funeral expenses. If a person receives a grant for funeral expenses, those costs can be counted on the tax report the year after the funeral for deduction against the grant (in Icelandic).

Senior Citizens' Associations

Members of senior citizens' associations have the option of special benefits on presentation of membership certificates.

Retired union members can also have various rights, such as grants from lifelong learning and holiday funds or staying in summer houses.

Various expenses of older people are lower, such as health care co-payments, access to swimming pools and more.

Discounts for seniors are available at various locations regardless of membership.


In many places, swimming is free for older people, and elsewhere the fee is moderate. Swimming is a good health booster.

Public health grants

Some municipalities offer grants to older people to engage in sports and cultural activities, while others offer health care at a reasonable price.

Culture passes

Several municipalities offer cultural maps at reasonable prices. Culture enhances diversity in our lives and brings pleasure.