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Information on operating licences

An application must be made for a licence to operate restaurants, which are classified according to whether the restaurant is offered refreshments or alcohol service.

Conditions for granting of licences

In order to be granted an operating licence and be able to complete the application, an applicant must meet the following conditions and grant permission for the relevant documents to be retrieved to confirm this. This applies whether the applicant is an individual or a company representative:

  • To reside in Iceland. Citizens of states within the European Economic Area and member states of the Convention establishing the European Free Trade Association and the Faroe Islands are exempt from the residence requirement.

  • Being of legal competence and having reached the age of 18 on the date of application or 20 years, an operating licence shall include a licence to supply alcohol.

  • Have custody of their estate.

  • Have a notified business operation registered with the Tax.

  • Have not been deprived of a permit to operate a place to stay, restaurant or alcohol restaurant in the last five years from the date of application.

  • The liability does not apply to taxes, public levies or contributions to a pension fund that total more than ISK 1,000,000.

  • Have not been guilty in the past five years of conduct concerning the Penal Code, the Narcotic Drugs Act, the Public Limited Companies Act, the Private Limited Companies Act, the Accounting Act, the Annual Accounts Act, the Income Tax Act, the Value Added Tax Act, the Public Dues Payment at Source Act, the Social Security Tax Act or this Act, as well as rules adopted pursuant to the Act specified.

Attachment data

  • Confirmation by the previous licensee that he has ceased operations, if applicable.

  • Detailed plans of the dwelling. Regarding drawings in Reykjavík: “The last approved main plans of the building representative concerning the space. Here you can access the detailed drawings of the Reykjavík construction officer;

  • Drawings of the open-air restaurant licence, if applicable.

Duration and extent of individual licence

The operating licence is not limited in time.

The licensee shall immediately notify the district commissioner if he intends to cease the operation of the licensed party.

An operating licence is bound to the licensee and is in no way transferable. In addition, the operating licence is also limited to the specific activities and location.

District Commissioners

Greater Reykjavík

Mon to Thu 8:30 - 15
Fri. 8:30 - 14

West Iceland

Mon. to Thu. 10 - 15
Fri. 9 - 14

West Fjords Iceland

Mon. to Thu. 9 - 14
Fri. 9 - 13:30

North West Iceland

Mon. to Fri. 9 - 15

North East Iceland

Mon. to Thu. 9 - 15
Fri. 9 - 14

East Iceland

Mon. to Thu. 9 - 15
Fri. 9 - 14

South Iceland

Mon. to Fri. 9 - 15

Westman Islands

Mon. to Thu. 9:15 - 15
Fri. 9:15 - 14


Mon. to Fri. 8:30 - 15