Offer housing for refugees
Do you have a house, an apartment or any other suitable housing for refugees coming to Iceland, fleeing the current situation in Ukraine?
Contact the municipality in which your property is located.The municipalities help immigrants and refugees find suitable housing.
Інформація - Практична інформація про міграцію до Ісландії та поширені запитання (FAQ) від людей, пов’язаних з кризою в Україні
Direct financial support and delivery of aid to Ukraine
Direct funding is generally of better use than equipment and supplies from the general public. It is therefore recommended that those who wish to contribute to aid organisations and other resources because of the situation in Ukraine consider direct financial support to United Nations agencies and organisations already in the field.
Information on individual collections run by Icelandic NGOs that cooperate with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs:
Other recognized organizations fundraising for Ukraine: