Laws and regulations
The Debtors Ombudsman Office is a government agency under the Minister of Social Affairs and protects the interests and rights of the debtors ( debtors) according to law.
The Debtors Ombudsman Office is a government agency under the Minister of Social Affairs and protects the interests and rights of the debtors ( debtors) according to law.
Lög nr. 9/2014 um fjárhagsaðstoð til greiðslu tryggingar fyrir kostnaði vegna gjaldþrotaskipta
Lög nr. 50/2009 um tímabundna greiðsluaðlögun fasteignaveðkrafna á íbúðarhúsnæði
Lög nr. 63/1985 um greiðslujöfnun fasteignaveðlána til einstaklinga
Lög nr. 65/1996 um réttaraðstoð við einstaklinga sem leita nauðasamninga
Regulation nr. 37/2009, see amending Regulation 133/2010 and 401/2015, on the maximum amount of collection costs etc.
Regulation nr. 584/2001 see amending Regulation No 954/2008 and on 969/2016 remedies to address payment problems for loans from the Housing Financing Fund
Regulation no. nr. 359/2010, see amendment regulation no. 534/2015, on the treatment of Housing Loan Fund claims that have lost indexation insurance
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