Complaints committee
Ruling Committee
The committee is composed of four members.
The chairman shall be appointed in accordance with a nomination by the Supreme Court with expertise in the field of insurance law.
A committee member, having been nominated by the University of Iceland School of Engineering and Natural Sciences with expertise in the field of construction.
Two members are appointed without nomination, with expertise in insurance law, construction or damage assessment.
The Committee may seek expert assistance if deemed necessary. Further information on the address and committee members can be found at
Appeals to the Appeals Committee
If you do not accept the decision of the NTÍ, you have 30 days to appeal the decision from the time the decision was received. An appeal is lodged with the Natural Disaster Insurance Appeals Committee, which is a higher authority, appointed by the Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs and is completely independent of NTÍ. Appeals to the Appeals Committee shall be received: The ruling committee of the Natural Disaster Insurance b.t. Helga Birgisson hrl. Forum lawyers, Ármúli 13, 108 Reykjavík
Laws and rules
Complaints relate to Article 19 laga um Náttúruhamfaratryggingu Íslands nr. 55/1992
Reglugerð um starfsemina