Information security discussed at the National Archives’ spring conference
15th May 2024
The National Archives of Iceland’s spring conference took place in Reykjavík yesterday for the sixth time. The conference is devoted to the subjects of government archives and records management and was titled Information security in archives and records management – is there anything to be warned about? Participation was good, with 162 participants.

Four talks were given on the protection of documents and data collections and what to be wary of and careful about in that regard with regard to information security. After the talks the speakers sat in a panel and had lively discussions on the subject.
Theodór R. Gíslason from Syndis and Defend Iceland, Þórður Sveinsson from Persónuvernd, Árni Jóhannsson from the National Archives of Iceland and Bjarki Sigurvarðsson from the cyber security unit CERT-IS spoke. See more information on the speakers, the name of the speech and the agenda.
National archivist Hrefna Róbertsdóttir also addressed the conference and spoke about the digital journey of the National Archives in recent years, which has aimed to ensure the best and most efficient way of keeping and accessing electronic data. A new policy was established in 2022 that takes into account these priorities.
The goal of the digital transformation is to ensure preservation and access to electronic administrative data and documents related to the history of society, as well as to offer users digital services. The implementation of a new archival system for the National Archives is part of this work and the goal is to bring it into full use by the end of the year.
The conference was recorded and will be published on the museum’s website later.