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Supply list advertisement

11th April 2022

The National Election Board notes that when the results of the presiding election board of a municipality are available on the validity of candidates at municipal elections, it shall advertise the candidate lists on the website of the municipality and on the website of the national election board, cf. Article 18 of Regulation No. 330/2022 on the candidacy and recommendations for municipal elections.


The following information shall be included in the municipality's advertisement.

  1. Name of the political organisation that offers the list and its list letter.

  2. The names of the candidates for each list in order.

  3. Candidates' IDs.

  4. The legal domicile of candidates in the event of a failure to comply with a postal code.

  5. Status or job title of candidates.

The National Election Board recommends that the presiding election board send the National Election Board a link to a advertisement from the municipality on the candidate's website as it appears on the municipality's website.



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