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HSU lecture at Innovation Forum

10th November 2022

An innovation meeting was recently held by the Government of Iceland where Guðný Stella Guðnadóttir, a geriatrician at the Healthcare Institution of South Iceland, had a message about HSU Hospital at home, an entrepreneurial project which is currently being implemented.

Guðný Stella Heimaspítali

Home hospital is a different format than home nursing and focuses on temporary home care that will be provided in the home with the aim of reducing hospital admissions and shortening hospital stays. The Home Hospital will be serviced by HSU healthcare staff who will also be supporting the new remote healthcare service system being implemented by HSU. The system connects to a digital health portal that will be monitored by HSU staff. The Home hospital is a very exciting addition to the health service and the HSU project team in the process of implementation deserves praise for the impressive and fantastic entrepreneurial work that has attracted widespread attention.

The Innovation Summit had more interesting lectures, but it is nice to see this exciting forum open up, presenting innovative ideas for healthcare.

We congratulate Guðný Stella on an informative and elegant message.