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The Healthcare Institution of North Iceland will take over the operation of nursing and residential facilities in Hvammur, Húsavík.

27th January 2023

The Residential Home for the Elderly in Þingeyjarsýslur sf. has agreed with the Ministry of Health that the Healthcare Institution of North Iceland will take over the operation of nursing and residential facilities in Hvammur from February 1st.

dvalarheimilid hvammur husavik

The Residential Home for the Elderly in Þingeyjarsýslur sf. has made an agreement with the Ministry of Health that the Healthcare Institution of North Iceland will take over the operation of nursing and residential facilities in Hvammur from February 1st. THe Healthcare Institution of North Iceland and formerly the Healthcare Institution of Þingeyjarsyslur have been managing the nursing services since 2011. In recent years there has been a significant synergy between the service providers and the professional use of health care has been greatly improved, along with an increase in the number of nurses.

This change is a natural continuation of this successful partnership. HSN welcomes the fact that these services will in future be provided on a one-handed basis and believes that this change will strengthen the service in the region for the long haul. Keeping staffing up is a challenge and it is important to combine the forces. Nursing facilities at HSN and Hvammur are expected to be moved to a new nursing home when it will open. All employees who have worked in this service at Hvammur will be offered work at HSN.