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Services and advice on health-related matters expanded to the telephone number 1700 and Heilsuvera

21st August 2023

Services and advice on health-related matters to the public have been expanded to the telephone number 1700 and on Heilsuvera.

1700 frettatilkynning

Public health services and counseling have been expanded greatly in the number 1700 and by Heilsuvera chat.

Nurses and other specially trained staff at the Information Center of the capital healthcare services and the Medical center answer calls from the public around the clock, resolve problems and indicate where they can get services if necessary. Experience of this service shows that it is possible to resolve an increasingly large part of an issue with mobile solutions, which is a better service for the individual and also reduces the burden on the healthcare system.

HSN in Akureyri has implemented this service at the health care center and now all bookings for urgent matters are made through 1700. Staff who answer the 1700 phone and the online chat do everything possible to find solutions for people's health problems, solve them or put them in the right process.