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New Healthcare Centre in Sunnuhlíð Formally opened

5th March 2024

A new health clinic in Sunnuhlíð, Akureyri, was officially opened yesterday, March 4. See photos from the opening.

Healthcare center opening

A new health clinic in Sunnuhlíð, Akureyri, was officially opened yesterday, March 4. Many good guests attended and a speech was delivered by the Minister of Health Willum Þór Þórsson and CEO of HSN Jón Helgi Björnsson. Guests were invited to see the facility and were very impressed.

It is a revolution for the employees and residents of the area to get housing that is specially designed for the operation, well equipped and where emphasis is placed on a healthy working environment.

Here are some photos from the opening.

Willum Thor Thorsson and Jon Helgi Bjornsson
Guests at opening
Guests 2
Guests 3
Willum and Paley
From the opening
Glad guests