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HSN in Sauðárkrókur received a generous gift from Kvenfélag Sauðárkróks

28th November 2022

HSN received recently a generous gift from the Kvenfélag Sauðárkróks. The gift is in memory of Sigríður Sigtryggsdóttir, mother of the poet Hannes Pétursson.

gjöf frá kvenfélaginu

Representatives from Kvenfélag Sauðárkróks handed out the gift which was a blood pressure monitor for the primary healthcare center, a CSM vital sign measurement for the hospital ward and a scanner that speeds up registration in the health records system.

Kristrún Snjólfsdóttir, the chief nurse for the area, accepted the gift and said that all the devices will be of good use in the future.

Gifts like this support important work of the institute. HSN is very grateful for this generous gift.

Further information on Feykis news website: