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Digital Iceland

Newsletter October 2023

13th October 2023

Newsletter of Digital Iceland October 2023.


Iceland ranked 4th among European countries!

Iceland ranks fourth in the annual survey of digital public services (eGovernment Benchmark) by the European Union, but in recent years Iceland has risen rapidly up the list.

Iceland was 11th in the 2020 survey, 7th in 2021, and 4th last year and this year.

The top three places are Malta, Estonia, and Luxembourg, followed by Iceland, Finland, the Netherlands, Lithuania and Denmark. The survey is detailed and involved 35 European countries. The action is based, for example, on user experience, but the European Union has set the goal of improving user experience and digital public services. The survey grades (eGovernment Benchmark) are based on four main categories - user-driven services, transparency, core services, and cross-border services.

Read more about eGovernment Benchmark 2023

Passport: digital application

District Commisioners and the National Registry have now opened for automatic pre-registration and payment for passport applications at í This will greatly reduce and simplify the application process for passports, as well guardians of children will not both have to be present to apply for a passport for a child.

Passport, information and application

The Directorate of Immigration's services page on Í

The Directorate of Immigration has opened a special service page on Í, where the main inquiries to the Directorate are gathered in one place. The goal is to support users in information gathering.

The Directorate of Immigration service page

Welcome to the Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority 

The group of institutions that have moved their websites to Í is growing steadily bringing more strength Í community. Institutions in Í community now are now 21.

Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority

New look for My Pages Í

My pages in Í have developed significantly over the past few years. Following extensive user testing, the profile has now been updated to accommodate a diverse group of users.

Í My pages

A blog on Digital Iceland at AWS

Recently, AWS Institute visited Iceland and made three videos about the Digital Iceland project. Now there has been added discussion of Iceland's digital journey.

Blog about Digital Iceland at AWS

Digital Iceland at various conferences


Andri Heiðar, managing director and Ragnhildur, product manager, participated in the Icelandic Association of Local Authorities conference titled Digital Municipalities: Collaboration is the key. In panel Andra, the topic was the collaboration between municipalities and the state. Ragnhildur reviewed the digital mailbox in her panel, its functionality, implementation, and its importance for municipalities.

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Hrefna Lind Chief Development Officer at Digital Iceland held a talk at the AWS Crayon breakfast meeting about the Í cloud journey.

Read more about the event.

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Product manager Gunnar Ingi went to Paris to meet with the French government along with a large team of collaborative teams at Digital Iceland and presented the projects at Digital Iceland. The event was organized by the French/Icelandic Trade Council.

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AccelareteGov held by the Canadian government, Vigdís, the director of marketing, participated in two panels at the Ottawa conference as well as attending an international meeting of digital leaders. The panel topics revolved around training in digital skills on one hand and accessibility for users and implementation on the other.

Read more about AccelerateGov