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Digital Iceland Frontpage

Digital Iceland

Newsletter February 2023

20th February 2023

Newsletter of Digital Iceland February 2023.

Ad veikjast-hetjumynd

January a record month for Í

The Icelandic people have started using Í more frequently when applying for public services and gathering information. Agencies are increasingly moving their services entirely to í by transferring their website, connecting data to My pages Í, and by using the Í application-system, to name a few. Naturally, visits increased, but in January, they exceeded expectations. Following are examples of that increase in some of Í services between months:

  • Í - 32% increase in page views exceeding 1.3 million.

  • The Í app - a 15% increase in usage, and the number of users increased by 10%.

  • The Digital mailbox - a 22% increase in the reading of documents.

  • Digital parental leave - 85% of applications through a digital.

Getting sick - a new life event on Í

The purpose of Í is to simplify citizens' access to public services and guide people to the public service needed. As part of this, systematic efforts are made to compile information around life events and make it accessible in one place.

Getting sick - life event

Passport information in Í app

Since the first version of the Í app, information, and services are regularly added to keep up with the wishes of users. Among the latest additions are passport information, information on real estate, and vehicles. The app also simplifies access to individuals' Digital mailboxes.

New services in Í app

Welcome, Financial Management Authority

The Financial Management Authority has been a strong partner to Digital Iceland and has proved great support in the development and provision of information on both Í and the Í My pages. Now the Financial Management Authority has taken the step in moving its website onto Í

Financial Management Authority website

Welcome, Directorate of Health

The Directorate of Health is the eighth agency to move its website to Í, and the office will provide a great deal of expertise that will greatly strengthen Í and improves its information delivery to the people of Iceland.

The Directorate of Health's new website

Welcome, Healthcare Institute of South Iceland

HSU is the ninth agency to move its website to Í, and the second in the ranking of the National Institutes of Health. The knowledge that comes with the HSU will improve the provision of information to the countryside as well as to all citizens of Iceland.

The Healthcare Institue of South Iceland's new website

The Digital Chat - Í app and digital certificates

Around one-third of the nation has downloaded the Í app. But what is in the Í app, and how do these digital certificates work? The Digital Chat is in Icelandic.

Amongst the projects in Digital Iceland is working on these days are:

  • Decision on estate exchange

  • Publication of the Icelandic Estate Registry on Íslandis

  • Publication of the Icelandic Bar List on Í

  • Publication of information on children's passports in Í app.

  • Ownership change of a vehicle

  • Renewal of driving licenses

  • Public expenditure payment schedule for companies

  • My pages: Study record of graduates from the University of Iceland

  • Order vehicle registration number

  • Electronic inheritance report

  • Electronic submission of annual financial statements to the National Audit Office

  • Electronic registration of real estate deeds

  • Electronic registration of real estate purchase contracts

  • Registration of the supervisor for practice driving

  • Digital application for parental leave: Permanent foster care and a residence grant

  • Digital disability card

  • Digital passport application

  • Agent system - show the history of log-on

  • Application for the ES card

  • Application for a State employment certificate

  • Application for operating licenses for restaurants and tourist accommodation establishments

  • Application for a tachograph card

  • West Iceland Healthcare website to Í

  • The website of Rikkaup to Í

  • The website of the Akureyri Hospital to Í