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Digital Iceland

Names Register, New database for Icelandic Names

28th June 2021

The project revolved around moving the current name database from an old website to Í so the old site could be closed down and the activity could be switched to the latest technology.

About the project

A new database was created at Digital Iceland and all names were moved to that database. A website service was created on top of the database and also a contact management system for employees of the National Registry so new names can be changed, deleted, and registered. Next, a new front was created for for individuals to search for their names, see if they have been rejected or approved, and more.

The challenge was mainly to make the interface as user-friendly as possible so that everyone can easily use this information. There were no technical challenges, at least none that could not be solved on a continuous basis.

This is the official name database and it was therefore important to put it in a place where it can be easily operated, maintained and developed. This project succeeded as it is now integrated as part of the Digital Iceland technological platform. Also, the presentation of the data was made easier to use.

The results of the project on Í

The development teams Parallel consultancy and Kosmos & Kaos worked on the project in collaboration with Digital Iceland, the National Registry of Iceland and Hugsmiðjan.