Newsletter January 2023
24th January 2023
Newsletter of Digital Iceland January 2023.
Looking back at 2022
In our daily routines, we often lose sight of the big picture and how much we achieve. It is, therefore, essential to pause occasionally and look over one's shoulder. A new year is an excellent occasion for this. The theme of 2022 was to fully develop the digital core services available to public bodies at Digital Iceland. Many things come to mind when we look back on our lives, and it is impossible to list everything. Some projects received much publicity, while others were invisible to users but very important.
Iceland moved up the ladder of digital public services in the European (Egov - 4th place) and World Championships (eGDI - 5th place). A lot is in the process already, and we will be pushing for the top in the years to come.
70% of users are satisfied with our website Í That tells us that we are on the right track. User satisfaction is of paramount importance for Í is.
The conference Connecting the State was held for 3rd time and was well received. A total of 400 people attended the conference, with over 1000 people watching on stream.
A new login service from Í was implemented by a number of organizations that now has a new power of attorney system and is faster and more secure than the previous one.
The new My pages of Í significantly increased the data and service processes that are now accessible to individuals, companies, and institutions.
Major milestones were achieved in electronic registrations. But as was said earlier, this is only a fraction of the 2022 projects.
The year in numbers:
The number of pageviews on Í went over 10 million, an increase of 78% from year to year.
6 agencies moved their website and are now part of Í There are the Icelandic Health Insurance, the Office of the Attorney General, the National Electoral Board, the Directorate of Immigration, the Healthcare Institution of North Iceland, and the Directorate of Fisheries, but there were county commissioners.
2 project websites opened in Í There are the State Human Resources Centre and the State Innovation Centre.
The Digital Mailbox implementation plan is in process for the next two years. All public entities will be connected by the beginning of 2025.
83% of applications for parental leave are digital and now 94% of applicants have the option of applying digitally.
65 thousand people downloaded the Í app in 2022.
3 new digital certificates were added to the Í app. ADR rights, machinery rights, firearms licenses, and gun ownership. The digital driving license was previously available in the app.
Over a thousand application processes have been submitted to Í
All of the state's core databases can be found on X-Road.
Over 74 thousand documents (loans) were registered electronically in 2022 and over 9 thousand mortgage documents.
Þema ársins 2023 hjá stafænu Íslandi er áframhaldandi þróun og innleiðing stafrænna lausna.
The 2023 theme for Digital Iceland is the continued development and implementation of digital solutions. The project list includes many processes that will simplify the lives of the people of Iceland. It is clear already that it will be a pleasure to look back on the year beginning of 2024.
Death certificate digital
District Commissioners now receive death notices electronically. Family members can also report deaths digitally and therefore do not have to show up at the District Commissioners with a death certificate. Tax returns are also sent automatically to the District Commissioners following the digital certificate. More digital processes are being developed that will provide relief to the family members of deceased loved ones.
Read more on electronic death proceedings
Passport information on Í My pages
Increased convenience of accessing passport information. You can now see information about your passport and the children in your custody under My pages on
Read more on passport information
Amongst the projects of Digital Iceland:
Agency Admin system for Í
Mortgage estate exchange order
Request for a Marriage license
Displaying vehicles and real estate in Í app
Publication of the Icelandic Bar list at Í
Publication of the Icelandic Estate Registry at Í
Ownership of a vehicle
Renewal of driving licenses
My pages: Study record of graduates from the University of Iceland
Order vehicle registration number
Electronic inheritance report
Electronic submission of annual financial statements to the National Audit Office
Electronic registrations of real estate deeds
Electronic registration of real estate purchase contracts
Registration of the supervisor for practice driving
Digital application for parental leave: Adoption and permanent foster care
Digital invalidity card
Digital passport application
Application for operating licenses for restaurants and tourist accommodation establishments
Application for a tachograph card
Your passport - publishing information in the app Í
The website of the Directorate of Health in Í
Website of the Healthcare Institution of South of Iceland moves to Í
The website of Ríkiskaup to Í