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Digital Iceland

Connecting the state - September 22nd pre-registration

5th July 2022

Tengjum ríkið (e.Connecting the State) is a conference on the digital future of the Icelandic government, which will take place in Harpa on September 22nd, 2022 from 12.30-17.


Tengjum ríkið (e. Connecting the State) is a conference on the digital future of government, which will take place in Harpa on the 22nd of September 2022 from 13-17.

Pre-registration has started!

The agenda is packed with great talks from both institutions with key roles in the service of the public and partners of Digital Iceland. A detailed agenda will be presented in August, following a format comparable to the last few years.

The agenda will be open to all, but after the break it will be divided into two focuses. On the one hand, the emphasis will be on digital services of institutions and on the other hand, on the development process. Participants are offered the opportunity to register either in the room or on streaming.

All registered participants will receive a link to the stream on the morning of the conference day.

Sigh up for Tengjum ríkið 2022