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30 agencies websites soon moved to Í

10th March 2023

As part of simplifying the lives of people in Iceland and improving the digital service of the government, there is increased information and access to services through Í, the central information and service portal of the government.

Winter image (mobile)

Recently, the number of institutions choosing to move their content to Í has increased dramatically, and will reach 30 by the end of this year. Several project websites have also visited the website. Should an institution wish to do so, the process may take a short time, irrespective of how many other institutions' websites are being used on the website.

The objective of agencies with the relocation to Í is to improve service and accessibility. All content is processed according to the Í content policy and updated to users' needs. There are also various technical issues, such as the scalability of devices, web-based translation, and other things built into Í, so that accessibility is always as good as possible. Organisations with websites in Í maintain and update all their content and the services, but the operation of the technical environment is in the hands of Digital Iceland.

Usage of Í has increased rapidly lately. Last year, it rose by 78% compared to the year before, and the number of web searches exceeded 10 million.

Bjarni Benediktsson, Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs:

By pooling their power in Í, public bodies improve services and information to the public, who can search one place for the services that are needed. At the same time, great advantages are achieved, enabling us to use capital more effectively where necessary.

Andri Heiðar Kristinsson, Director of Digital Iceland:

We welcome the fact that agecies see an opportunity in moving their websites to Í and become part of the Í community. Agencies are moving toward improving services and accessibility. If an agency wants to become part of the Í community it takes a very short time to launch the site. There are examples of an agency being able to relocate its website in just a few weeks.

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