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Administration of Occupational Safety and Health Frontpage
Administration of Occupational Safety and Health Frontpage

The Administration of Occupational Safety and Health

Qualification in occupational safety



To be qualified, specialists must meet the training required in this field or have completed comparable training recognised by the Administration of Occupational Safety and Health.

The programme shall confer the right to recognition for up to two years upon completion of the programme if other criteria are met. In the programme, students are to acquire:

  • Knowledge of written occupational safety and health programmes

  • Knowledge of workplace protection work.

  • General knowledge of risk factors in the work environment, work organisation and in the execution of work.

  • Knowledge of the laws and regulations that apply to the working environment, the safety and health of staff.

  • Knowledge of preventive measures in the workplace.

  • Knowledge of the role of recognised service providers, experts and company representatives in occupational safety.

  • Specific knowledge and training in risk assessment of the main risks for which approval is sought.

About the course

For whom is the course?


The programme is suitable for specialists and service providers seeking recognition to provide advice and services for the development of occupational safety and health programmes. A service provider must have access to experts or be an expert himself if he works on his own behalf.

The Administration of Occupational Safety and Health is charged with assessing and providing approval to those who wish to perform such services.

Representatives within enterprises

Employment protection officers of companies provide work protection in one way or another. Security guards, security professionals, human resource managers, quality managers or managers have been identified. The programme is also suitable for these representatives who wish to acquire further knowledge of the design of safety and health programmes.

Representatives of companies in occupational safety who wish to be recognised must meet the same conditions as service providers and their specialists.


Risk factors in occupational health have been categorized into five main categories. An expert may request recognition in one or more aspects.

Conditions for specialisation

  • Adequate knowledge of health, social sciences, technology or other comparable specialisations.

  • Basic knowledge of the mechanisms for assessing and responding to hazards or any other type of inconvenience due to ergonomic factors: for example, physical, chemical, biological and psychological factors in the working environment.

  • Competence to assess and respond to hazards or any other type of disturbance or nuisance in the work environment.

This is in accordance with Article 4 of the Regulation on the recognition of service providers and experts who provide services to employers in drawing up workplace safety and health programmes.

Admission requirements

Those seeking recognition as specialists must have received training in health, social sciences, technology or other comparable specialist fields.

Organisation of studies

The programmes are taught online and accessible to students whenever they are convenient.

The introduction of the programme is open for 8 weeks. Selected specialisations in the programme are then open for another 8 weeks. In total, the programme is open for a maximum of 16 weeks, but it is expected that there is ample time to complete it along with the final project.

Students review the videos in the specified order and must complete the preceding video before the next one opens. You can watch the videos as often as you need.

Students solve assignments and have to answer questions that are put.

The video views, reading of the detailed material and project work are expected to take about 25 hours.

Subject matter

Recognition of service providers and experts and work protection officers:

  • Introduction | Introduction to learning

  • Role of the Administration of Occupational Safety and Health

  • Role and duties of service providers and experts

  • Laws and regulations

General part:

  • Workplace protection work

  • Health promotion and prevention at work

  • Work accidents, occupational diseases and preventive measures (preventive measures)

  • Safety and health programme

  • Risk assessment methods, corrective action plan and preventive measures

  • Five key aspects of workplace safety

The comprehensive service is based on five main aspects of workplace protection:

  • Social work environment

  • Musculoskeletal and motor systems

  • Chemicals and chemical hazards

  • Equipment and machinery

  • Environmental factors


Students must answer questions that are in and after each section of the course in order to be able to continue.

Students then make final assignments in the field in which they seek recognition.


110.600 ISK

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Administration of Occupational Safety and Health

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Phone numer 550 4600


Opening hours

Monday to Thursday, 9am to 3pm

Fridays, 9am to 2pm

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