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30th May 2024

Proposed call for tender for a framework agreement on waste services

Preparations for a new framework agreement on waste services are underway, which will take effect in February 2025. Interested parties can register for a discussion meeting to express their views to the project manager of the tender.

DALL·E 2024-05-29 13.30.55 - A realistic image announcing a new public framework agreement on waste management services. The image features modern waste management elements such a

New framework agreement on waste services in preparation

Central Public Procurement Iceland (CPPI), on behalf of the framework agreement parties, announces a proposed call for tender for a new framework agreement for waste services.

CPPI has obtained feedback from public buyers in the current contract and called for an informative conversation with interested parties on the market. The tender will take these conversations into account along with buyer emphasis on service changes in the new contract.

Discussion meeting 8 October, 10 pm

To ensure that the tender adequate considers market offerings on waste services for the public sector, CPPI will host an open discussion meeting for interested companies before the tender documents are fully developed. The meeting may take about 60-90 minutes.

The purpose of the discussion is to enable the project manager to fully develop the procurement documents, taking into account changes and innovations in the waste services sector, through a constructive dialogue with market participants.

Register for the discussion meeting

All about participation in CPPI contracts

The new CPPI website provides useful and user-friendly information for companies about participation in tenders and framework agreements.

Everything about framework agreements (Icelandic only)

Everything about tender participation

Important information for interested parties

Interested parties are encouraged to follow the announcements of the tenders on the website and subscribe to receive notification of new tenders.

Tender announcements

Subscribe to tender announcements

It is essential to read the contract documents carefully and to finish the documents in a careful manner to avoid the possibility of a deferred offer.

Timeline projected key dates

The following dates consider statutory waiting times and the appropriate processing time and adjustment. It is considered essential that a new agreement be signed before the end of the year so that activities under the new agreement can be prepared in sufficient time and prevent service downtime in February of next year.

  • 08.10.2024 Discussion session

  • 24.10.2024 Estimated call for tenders

  • 25.11.2024 Estimated opening of offers

  • 17.12.2024 Estimated agreement signing

  • 22.02.2025 First day of new agreement