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30th May 2023

Applications for regional quota 2022/2023 (6)

Applications are now accepted for regional quota for the fishing year 2022/2023.

light house

Applications are now accepted for regional quota according to regulation on the allocation of regional quotas to fishing vessels in the fishing year 2022/2023 and attention is drawn to advertisement (4) on the special regulations of municipalities for the allocation of regional quotas in the fishing year 2022/2023.

Applications are open for:

  • Voga

  • Norðurfjörð í Árneshreppi


  • Applications must og through the application system. To open the system one must use social security number and IceKey for the fishing company. All fields must be filled.

  • The result of the application will only be published in the applicant's mailbox on Í
    If the applicant wishes to receive a letter by other means, the request must be sent to

  • Conformation on processing plant must be signed by regional council and the contracts must be sent in as an attachment in the application process at the same time as the application form is sent in.

  • The last application date is 13th of June 2023.

More information

Application portal of the Directorate of Fisheries