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Lumpfish fishing permit for hook and line vessels

Application for fishing permit - authorised signatories

Vessels holding fishing permits with hook and line catch quotas are not allowed to fish with lumpfish nets without the permission from the Directorate of Fisheries.

Each year a regulation is issued on lumpfish fishing and it can differed between years.


  • Fishing with lumpfish nets is prohibited from 16th of June to 31st of December.

  • Lumpfish nets must have meshes between 7 inches (178 mm) and 8 inches (203 mm) and meshes of 20 meshes or less.

  • Each lead bar shall be marked and each float rail with the vessel register number

  • Net buoy shall be marked with a flag indicating the district or register number of the vessel using it.

  • The nets must be numbered from one to the amount of nets each boat has at sea.

  • The number of each net shall be on the buoy flag.

  • If fishing gear is lost it must be notified immediately to the Coast Guard and the Directorate of Fisheries.

Applications are made through the application system of the Directorate of Fisheries.

The licence costs ISK 22.000 ISK

Application for fishing permit - authorised signatories

Application for fishing permit - authorised signatories