Aircraft arrival and departure, data, disinfection and more.
Arrival and departure of passengers, their baggage, travel documents, visas, boarding passes, vaccination records and more.
Arrival and departure of cargo, export cargo, import cargo, aircraft components, container, mail, etc.
Passengers who cannot be admitted to Iceland and people who are being expelled - information, travel documents and other information.
International airports, facilities and services - traffic flow (cars, passenger throughput), flight crew, health services ( first aid etc.), quarantine (passengers and animals), financial services, "ruinous passengers" and more.
When not landing at an international airport (sudden stop and more).
Other issues contributing to airline/facilitated flight data - Air travel contracts, grounding of aircraft (authorisation, etc.), search and rescue (aid), humanitarian measures, airline planning, transport of passengers in need of special assistance (PRM), assistance for air accident victims and family members and others.